The Cathedral of Saint Paul

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Capital Campaign


Learn about our $1.5 million campaign to undertake
important structural interventions upon the Cathedral Rectory




Dear Parishioners and Friends of the Cathedral of Saint Paul:

In 1921, the pastor of Saint Paul’s was Father James E. Coyle; that year was his 25th anniversary of priestly ordination. As a way to honor him on his major milestone, parishioners planned to give him a gift of $25,000 so that he could build a new rectory, for the existing wooden house was in need of replacement.

But on August 11 of that same year, those plans would be shaken. Father Coyle was sitting on the front porch praying his breviary, having just a short time before presided over the marriage of a Puerto Rican man with a young woman who had converted to Catholicism against her father’s will. And while Father was praying, the bride’s father, enraged that his daughter had not only converted but also married a “colored” man, approached Father Coyle and shot him dead.

His was the largest funeral Birmingham has ever seen. And soon after, parishioners moved forward with their plan to build the new rectory, a noble brick structure – now in Father Coyle’s honor. Therefore, since 1922, the house has proudly stood next to what is now the Cathedral church, a monument to the powerful witness of one of its pastors – described by the bishop of the time as a “martyr to duty”.

This house, at 101 years of age, is now in great need of repair. The faux slate roof has failed and leaks are widespread and of continual concern. Foundation settling on the west side has led to cracks in interior and exterior walls and so new ways for water to enter the structure – and feed toxic black mold. The front façade risks collapse, and there are numerous other masonry issues besides. There are many other improvements and fixes that could be made as well. However, this first phase of the ‘Honoring Father Coyle’ Capital Campaign will be primarily to shore up the most urgent and dramatic of problems.

Having consulted with parishioners, other community members, the parish Finance Council, Bishop Steven Raica, and the College of Consultors of the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama, we are resolved to move forward with honoring Father Coyle by restoring, step-by-step, the house built in his honor. It is the last remaining free-standing continuously-occupied house in the business district of downtown Birmingham. This house has significance not only for our parish but for local, regional, and national history as well.

For this first phase, we will need $1.5 million. Fortunately, we are already on our way to achieving that goal. With the participation of all, we will reach it quicky and – hopefully – exceed it, so that we can do even more to preserve this important component of Father Coyle’s great legacy. I have already made my pledge!

Please prayerfully read the information contained on these pages (and be sure especially to browse the photo gallery!), and ask the Lord how you may help in this noble effort. Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your generosity and support! Thank you for helping us honor Father Coyle!

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Very Reverend Bryan W. Jerabek, J.C.L.
Pastor & Rector
Cathedral of Saint Paul

For more information about Father James E. Coyle, please visit the Father Coyle Project.